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2010 - 2019
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5 wyników Filtruj
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periodyk wydany wraz z Instytutem Nauk Prawnych oraz Komitetem Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk The Polish Yearbook of International Law (PYIL) is a scientific journal published since 1966. The major focus of the Yearbook is on public and private international law as well as European law. Each volume of the PYIL also includes legal bibliography of Polish authors publishing in the above areas. The new volume (XXXII) includes an article by Prof. Sadurski on the problem of democratic legitimacy in the European Union. This is followed by Prof. Kwiecień’s article which enquires into the issue of sovereignty of States in the context of the legitimacy of international law. The article by Prof. Fitzmaurice explores the legal and philosophical concepts underlying the foundations of international environmental law (e.g. principles of the common heritage). In a very personal article (which sometimes sounds like real manifesto for environmental sustainability), Prof. Vieira discusses changes in system of global governance necessary to cope with the challenges connected with climate change. Prof. Wyrozumska analyses the practice of Polish courts with respect to attachment and debt enforcement from an embassy’s bank account. Other texts include an article on the rules of international law applicable to the sovereign debt crisis (by Prof. de Jonge); analysis of the recent ICC Lubanga Reparations Decision (Prof. Swart); assessment of the legality of overseas use of drones under the framework of European Convention of Human Rights (Drs. Bodnar and Pacho), and an article on the ICC’s practice with regard to arrest warrants (Dłubak). The new volume also includes a series of articles presented at the conference “Limits of the Security Council Powers”, which was organized in Warsaw in January 2013 by ILA Poland in cooperation with the Institute of Law Studies. Prof. Arcari looks at the question of limits of Security Council powers as a problem of UN Charter interpretation; Prof. Fernandez Sola analyses the role of the European Union in the UN system (as a form of enforcement agency), and Prof. Richter inquires into the problem of judicial review of Security Council decisions. Two other contributions discuss the applicability to the Security Council of rules on the responsibility and accountability of international organizations (Prof. Sturma) and the obligations of the Security Council with respect to war crimes and genocide (Prof. Zimmermann).
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The article section of the current volume starts with Maurizio Arcari’s text on the constitutionalization and fragmentation of international law. This is followed by the articles of Cezary Mik on the concept of jus cogens in contemporary international law, and Gino Naldi & Konstantinos Magliveras on the denunciation of treaties and withdrawal from international organizations in the field of international human rights. This section also includes this year’s Marek Nowicki Memorial Lecture by Lord Lester of Herne Hill QC on the right of free speech. In addition there are three articles on EU law. Dimitry Kochenov, in his very timely piece, critically analyzes two new proposals aimed at ensuring the observance of certain democratic standards by EU Member States, Krystyna Kowalik- Bańczyk writes about the emerging practices of domestic Constitutional Courts in resolving conflicts between EU law and national constitutional law. The section ends with the contribution by Jakub Kociubiński on EU competition law in the air transport sector. The next section is dedicated to the recent judgement of the European Court of Human Rights (Grand Chamber) in Janowiec and Others v. Russia. The case, which relates to one of the greatest tragedies in the contemporary history of Poland, was closely followed not only by scholars in the region but also by the general public. We present different voices from the international academic community, who discuss the case from various perspectives and critically assess the reasoning of the court. This group includes Ireneusz Kamiński, Yaroslav Kozheurov, William Schabas, Susana Sanz Caballero and Gabrielle Citroni. We have also added the complete set of legal observations submitted to the ECtHR on behalf of the applicants. As usual, the volume also includes the traditional sections: Polish practice in international law, book reviews and the Polish bibliography in international and European law for 2013.
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CONTENTS IN MEMORIAM Jan Kolasa: Karol Wolfke (1915–2015), doi: 10.7420/pyil2014a, pp. 11–16; Jerzy Kranz: Sapere auso (To One Who Dared to Be Wise): On the Fifth Anniversary of the Death of Krzysztof Skubiszewsk, doi: 10.7420/pyil2014b, pp. 17–36. LEGAL PERSPECTIVES ON THE UKRAINIAN-RUSSIAN CONFLICT Patrycja Grzebyk: Classification of the Conflict between Ukraine and Russia in International Law (Ius ad Bellum and Ius in Bello), doi: 10.7420/pyil2014c, pp. 39–60; Natalia Cwicinskaja: The Legality and Certain Legal Consequences of the “Accession” of Crimea to the Russian Federation, doi: 10.7420/pyil2014d, pp. 61–88; Thomas D. Grant: The Budapest Memorandum of 5 December 1994: Political Engagement or Legal Obligation?, doi: 10.7420/pyil2014e, pp. 89–114; René Värk: The Advisory Opinion on Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence: Hopes, Disappointments and Its Relevance to Crimea, doi: 10.7420/pyil2014f, pp. 115–132. GENERAL ARTICLES Koen Lenaerts: EU Values and Constitutional Pluralism: The EU System of Fundamental Rights Protection, doi: 10.7420/pyil2014g, pp. 135–160; Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias: Memory Laws or Memory Loss? Europe in Search of Its Historical Identity through the National and International Law, doi: 10.7420/pyil2014h, pp. 161–186; Hanna Kuczyńska: Selection of Defendants before the ICC: Between the Principle of Opportunism and Legalism, doi: 10.7420/pyil2014i, pp. 187–224; Magdalena Słok-Wódkowska: National Treatment Rules in EU Regional Trade Agreements, doi: 10.7420/pyil2014j, pp. 225–248; Magdalena Silska: Protection of Internally Displaced Persons: An International Legal Obligation?, doi: 10.7420/pyil2014k, pp. 249–272. POLISH PRACTICE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW The Opinion by the Legal Advisory Committee to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland on the Annexation of the Crimean Peninsula to the Russian Federation in Light of International Law, doi: 10.7420/pyil2014l, pp. 275–284; Szymon Zaręba: Treaty Interpretation by the Polish Administrative Courts: A Case Study of the Interpretation of the 1972 Prague Convention, doi: 10.7420/pyil2014m, pp. 285–302. BOOK REVIEWS Cezary Mik: Lukasz Gruszczynski, Wouter Werner (eds.), Deference in International Courts and Tribunals: Standard of Review and Margin of Appreciation, pp. 305–308; Bartłomiej Krzan: Vesselin Popovski, Trudy Fraser (eds.), The Security Council as Global Legislator, pp. 309–312; Bartłomiej Krzan: Robert Kolb, The International Court of Justice, pp. 313–317; Andrzej Jakubowski: Lilian Richieri Hanania (ed.), Cultural Diversity in International Law, pp. 318–322; Michał Balcerzak: Ryan Goodman, Derek Jinks, Socializing States: Promoting Human Rights through International Law, pp. 323–328. POLISH BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INTERNATIONAL AND EUROPEAN LAW 2014, pp. 329–376.
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Contents GENERAL ARTICLES Peter Tomka, Jessica Howley, Vincent-Joël Proulx: International and Municipal Law before the World Court: One or Two Legal Orders?, doi: 10.7420/pyoil2015a, pp.11–46; Daniel Costelloe, Malgosia Fitzmaurice: Interpretation of Secondary Instruments in International Law, doi: 10.7420/pyoil2015b, pp. 47–82; Barbara Mikołajczyk: International Law and Ageism, doi: 10.7420/pyoil2015c, pp. 83–108; Marco Longobardo: Some Developments in the Prosecution of International Crimes Committed in Palestine: Any Real News?, doi: 10.7420/pyoil2015d, pp. 109–138; Oleksandr Zadorozhnii: To Justify against All Odds: The Annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the Russian Legal Scholarship, doi: 10.7420/pyoil2015e, pp. 139–170; Stefania Ninatti, Maurizio Arcari: Patterns of Democracy in the Case Law of the EU Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights, doi: 10.7420/pyoil2015f, pp. 171–192; Aleksandra Kustra: The Polish Constitutional Tribunal and the Judicial Europeanization of the Constitution, doi: 10.7420/pyoil2015g, pp. 193–216; Elena Carpanelli: Can States Withhold Information about Alleged Human Rights Abuses on National Security Grounds? Some Remarks on the ECtHR Judgments of Al-Nashiri v. Poland and Husayn (Abu-Zubaydah) v. Poland, doi: 10.7420/pyoil2015h, pp. 217–234; Cedric Vanleenhove: The Current European Perspective on the Exequatur of U.S. Punitive Damages: Opening the Gate But Keeping a Guard, doi: 10.7420/pyoil2015i, pp. 235–264; Michał König: Non-State Law in International Commercial Arbitration, doi: 10.7420/pyoil2015j, pp. 265–292; Konrad Czech: The Distinctive Characteristics of Commercial and Investment Arbitration Proceedings: Lex multiplex, universa curiositas, ius unum?, doi: 10.7420/pyoil2015k, pp. 293–324. POLISH PRACTICE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW Agata Kleczkowska: Decision of the Supreme Court – Criminal Chamber, Dated October 14, 2015, doi: 10.7420/pyoil2015l, pp. 327–340. BOOK REVIEWS Marcin Kałduński: Przemysław Saganek, Unilateral Acts of States in Public International Law, doi: 10.7420/pyoil2015m, pp. 343–350; Maria Issaeva: Lauri Malksoo, Russian Approaches to International Law, doi: 10.7420/pyoil2015n, pp. 351–358; Maria Eduarda Gonçalves: Patrycja Dąbrowska-Kłosińska (ed.), Essays on Global Safety Governance: Challenges and Solutions, doi: 10.7420/pyoil2015o, pp, 359–364. POLISH BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INTERNATIONAL AND EUROPEAN LAW, doi: 10.7420/pyoil2015p, pp. 365–407.
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Contents IN MEMORIAM Bartłomiej Krzan: Professor Jan Kolasa (1926-2016), doi: 10.7420/pyil2016a, pp. 11-18; GENERAL ARTICLES Roman Kwiecień: The "Nicaragua" Judgement and the Use of Force – 30 Years Later, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016b, pp. 21-36; Michał Kowalski: Original Sin Reaffirmed: The Nicaragua Judgement’s Impact on the Notion of Armed Attack as the Most Grave Form of the Use of Force, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016c, pp. 37-50; François Finck: The State between Fact and Law: The Role of Recognition and the Conditions under which It Is Granted in the Creation of New States, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016d, pp. 51-81; Wojciech Burek: Family Reunification Regulations and Women: The Perspective of International Law, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016e, pp. 83-108; Athanasios Yupsanis: Cultural Autonomy for Minorities in the Baltic States, Ukraine, and the Russian Federation: A Dead Letter, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016f, pp. 109-135; Anna Karapetyan: A Recurring Phenomenon: The Lawful Sanctions Clause in the Definition of Torture and the Question of Judicial Corporal Punishment under International Human Rights Law, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016g, pp. 137-161; Aleksandra Rychlewska: The Nullum Crimen Sine Lege Principle in the European Convention of Human Rights: The Actual Scope of Guarantees; doi: 10.7420/pyil2016h, pp. 163-186. CONTENTS Petra Bárd: Scrutiny over the Rule of Law in the European Union, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016i, pp. 187-208; Joanna Ryszka: “Social Dumping” and “Letterbox Companies” – Interdependent or Mutually Exclusive Concepts in European Union Law?, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016j, pp. 209-229; Dominik Horodyski, Maria Kierska: Enforcement of Emergency Arbitrators’ Decisions under Polish Law, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016k, pp. 230-244. POLISH PRACTICE IN INTERNATIONAL LAW Dorota Pyć: Compliance and Enforcement of Maritime Labour Conditions – The Polish Legal Perspective, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016l, pp. 247-255; Grzegorz Wierczyński: The Polish Practice Regarding the Promulgation of International Agreements between 1945 and 2017, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016m, pp. 258-266; Agata Kleczkowska: Judgement of the Supreme Court, dated 17 February 2016 (Ref. no. WA 16/15), doi: 10.7420/pyil2016n, pp. 267-276. BOOK REVIEWS Kaja Kowalczewska: William H. Boothby, Weapons Law and The Law of Armed Conflict, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016o, pp. 279-282; Bartłomiej Krzan: M. Ruffert, C. Walter, Institutionalised International Law, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016p, pp. 283-286; Roman Kwiecień: Robert Kolb, Peremptory International Law – Jus Cogens, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016q, pp. 287-290; Marcin Menkes: Eugene Kontorovich, Francesco Parisi (eds.), Economic Analysis of International Law, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016r, pp. 291-294; Marcin Menkes: Marc-William Palen, The ‘Conspiracy’ of Free Trade, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016s, pp. 295-298. LIST OF REVIEWERS (vol . 36/2016), pp. 299-300.
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