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Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 811 (1 egz.)
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Uwaga dotycząca zawartości
Zawiera: Introduction to „Children Learning English”; Ch. 1 Choldren learning English. Children as language learners; Ch. 2 Do you like learning English?. Pupils’ attiudes to learning English; Ch. 3 Are they the same? Children come in all types; Ch. 4 We’ve found our partners, Miss. Managing pupils’ language learning; Ch. 5 Who has some good news for today? Effective teacher-pupil interaction; Ch. 6 Do you need a hand? Supporting children’s language learning; Ch. 7 Can we do „Poker face” again, Miss? Creating, adapting and evaluating activities for language learning; Ch. 8 Why did I do it like this? Planning for children’s language learning; Ch. 9 What’s your topic? Using a cross-curricular approach for organizing language learning; Ch. 10 Can we make a spinner? Involving children in making and using resources; Ch. 11 Learning to see. Assessing learning and teaching; Ch. 12 Howa can I be a better language learner? Learning to learn; Epilouge. Looking forwards.
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