Status dostępności:
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 339.138 (2 egz.)
Strefa uwag:
Uwaga dotycząca zawartości
PART 1: FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT 1. Defining Marketing for the New Realities 2. Marketing Planning and Management PART 2: UNDERSTANDING THE MARKET 3. Analyzing Consumer Markets 4. Analyzing Business Markets 5. Conducting Marketing Research PART 3: DEVELOPING A WINNING MARKETING STRATEGY 6. Identifying Market Segments and Target Customers 7. Crafting a Customer Value Proposition and Positioning PART 4: DESIGNING VALUE 8. Designing and Managing Products 9. Designing and Managing Services 10. Building Strong Brands 11. Managing Pricing and Sales Promotions PART 5: COMMUNICATING VALUE 12. Managing Marketing Communications 13. Designing an Integrated Marketing Campaign in the Digital Age 14. Personal Selling and Direct Marketing.
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