Status dostępności:
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 37 (1 egz.)
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Uwaga dotycząca zawartości
Zawiera: Power and ideology in education: the place of tradition in social change; Necessity for reforming the content of education as an element of democratization of Polish educational system; Obstacles and barriers to democratic educational transformations in Poland after 1989 and their main determinants; Approaching barriers in education introduction; Educational egalitarianism and social changes in Poland; Polish educational system in the period of social transformation; The teacher - educator in the integrated Europe; Educational changes in Poland - the basic and real facts of traditional continuity; On certain implications of economic transformations in the context of anticipating changes in education; Changes in Polish schools in the range of content and technique of education, 1989-1996; Citizen personality model in Poland at the time a transformation; Upper Silesia: regional policy of restructuring learning without limits and a praise of the new individualism; The consequences of social cultural and educational to rural and local communities; Youth and modernization and modern times; Fundamental values in the process of education at the time of system transformation; On the way to subjectivity for the pupils in Polish school; Teachers in the challenging face of contemporary democracy and world values; Tolerance and affiliation to a social group; The dilemmas of changes in handing down educational values; Equality of educational opportunities – assumptions and reality; Selected problems of educational awareness; Thinking about education – monocentric nostalgia and symptoms of pluralism; Possibilities of change id educating the youngest pupils; Problems of poverty versus man’s needs in a democratic society; The leisure of the poor and democracy; Changes in specialistic training of wardens; The teacher’s psycho-pedagogical skills in the preventive treatment of addictions; The history of Lowes Silesia an incentive for the educational activity of the regional movement political system in Poland; Social factors of risk and the state of health of Polish society; Contents and directions of development of the Polish educational system; state and private (alternative) schooling in post-communist Poland – comparative analysis; Transformation of the educational system in Poland; School education in the socially changed political system in Poland; Educational democratization in Poland – change, progress and European integration; Drama as a creative educational proposal in the period of system transformation in Poland; Integrated classes in the educational system; Conclusions.
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