Status dostępności:
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 811 (1 egz.)
Strefa uwag:
Uwaga dotycząca bibliografii
Bibliogr. przy rozdz.
Uwaga dotycząca zawartości
1. Language and language studies; 2. Sounds: A cross-language perspective; 3. Words; 4. Sentences- Transformational- generative grammar; 5. Text; 6. Meaning; 7. From syntax-based to meaning-based linguistics; 8. Speech acts: theory and applications; 9. Text, discourse, function: further ways into pragmatics; 10. Language and society; 11. Languages in contact; 12. Language, biology and psychology; 13. Language change and language types; 14. Contrastive language studies; 15. First language acquisition; 16. Becoming literate; 17. Second language acquisition and foreign language learning; 18. E-lerning; 19. Assessment, evaluation and testing; 20. Linguistics and literature; 21. Computational and corpus linguistics; 22. The scope and methods of language study.
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